
Happy Friday! Another week in the books...grandma said they would go faster when I got older. I hope yours has been good. Yesterday I spent a good part of the morning going through papers and filling out forms and so in the afternoon, I needed to do something physical. I decided I could just mow the yard. I read all the instructions on the mower and it started easy enough. yard has more of an incline that I thought it did and that mower is heavy! Then, I stumbled and got a stick in my leg so blood was running into my shoe (what a mess). And I had no idea how to empty the bag so when it was full, i was done. It wasn't my most successful attempt at a job. I left it and came back in the house and started cleaning windows.

I learned that mowing isn't simple nor is it a job for wimps (like me).  I did learn to appreciate a hard task and even though I didn't do a good job, learning to run the mower and pushing it around did make me feel like I'd done something--I had met a new challenge.

As we go through this thing called life on the inclines that turn out to be steep, we are going to hit challenges. Some every day and sometimes really big ones. But, as we gain confidence in maneuvering the rough spots and hitting the tough stuff head on,  we realize that with Jesus on our side, we've got this. “For in him we live and move and exist...’” Acts‬ ‭17:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Because of our relationship with Him, promises we read in the Bible, and past experiences through hard times, we learn that with God all things really ARE possible. If we just look back and remember how good God has been to us when life seemed at its worst, we have the courage to tackle that lawnmower. And don't let yourself be fooled by thinking "Maybe He won't come through this time". God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Of course He will come through--this time and every time.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬

Today, no matter what you are facing, don't be afraid. Remember, it is in Him that we exist. ‭

Love you dear one,



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